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OVF members contributions - Internet finds and personal works :)

Started by sts_pro, July 27, 2015, 09:03:05 AM

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Just found a few of this italian girl

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


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Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue :) Seems to be dead from the posting time though?
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


Quote from: Anonymous on December 14, 2022, 06:14:21 PM
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  • You need to be a member of one of the following groups: VIP Member, VIP (Sponsor) .

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


Quote from: Anonymous on December 13, 2022, 04:46:40 PM
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I got past this synology earlier but now a new folder seems to be available, the one with the wins.


Thanks for sharing and for the save! Moved to the moderation queue and Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


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NL wife

Thanks for sharing! This was shared earlier though ;)
Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


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small find
ftp:// *** /AiDisk_a1/Фотки

Thanks for sharing! You shared this earlier though ;)
Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


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ftp:// *** /Free/Alexc/photo/Porevo/priv/
Found via filemare: search string "жена"

In other folders: commercial vids and downloads from the amateur website...

Thanks for sharing! This was shared earlier though ;)
Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):




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Found this NAS.

But haven't time to look all the content !

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


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FR vintage

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


Quote from: Anonymous on April 19, 2022, 12:10:46 PM
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A couple wife nudes throughout the years.

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


Quote from: Anonymous on April 19, 2022, 01:27:35 PM
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New to me, not my thing, but maybe you guys will like it

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


Quote from: Anonymous on April 19, 2022, 11:48:10 PM
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Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


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small find

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


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One american mature :) Quick before it closes of ip shifts ;)

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


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ftp:// *** /Seagate-Portable-hdd/Seagate/sync/zdjecia/Zjecia Kasia/inne/foteczki 2012-13/Benidorm 2012/DSC_0055.JPG
ftp:// *** /Seagate-Portable-hdd/Seagate/sync/zdjecia/Zjecia Kasia/inne/foteczki 2012-13/Benidorm 2012/DSC_0196.JPG
ftp:// *** /Seagate-Portable-hdd/Seagate/sync/zdjecia/Zjecia Kasia/inne/Foty/Alicante2011 z Agatka/DSC_8114.JPG
ftp:// *** /Seagate-Portable-hdd/Seagate/sync/zdjecia/Kasia%26Marcin/KomurkaXiaomi/download/Screenshots/
ftp:// *** /Seagate-Portable-hdd/Seagate/sync/zdjecia/Zjecia Kasia/inne/foteczki 2012-13/Swieta 2011 Pl/100_1233.JPG
ftp:// *** /Seagate-Portable-hdd/Seagate/sync/zdjecia/Zjecia Kasia/Stare foty/2005-04-30/BENIDORM 29.05.05/DSCN1440.JPG
ftp:// *** /Seagate-Portable-hdd/Seagate/sync/zdjecia/Zjecia Kasia/inne/Foty/STARE/SEMANA SANTA W ALI 09/SDC11571.JPG
ftp:// *** /Seagate-Portable-hdd/Seagate/sync/zdjecia/Zjecia Kasia/inne/Foty 2014-2015/Wakacje 2014 z Dawidem,Piotrkiem,Roxana/100_2797.JPG
ftp:// *** /Seagate-Portable-hdd/Zdjecia/Kasia%26Marcin/kamerkaXiaomi/IMG_20220421_122426.jpg

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):




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ftp:// *** /My_Passport-Daten/04 Bilder/Mallorca 2005/Privat/

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue :) Seems to be dead from the posting time though?
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


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ftp:// *** /array1/share/Bilder/2009/06_Juni/Toscana/

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


Quote from: Facto on September 17, 2017, 06:35:20 AM
This content is hidden and cannot be quoted./Test/Photo/Disk_1/Tanya/secrets/

K2s link

Thanks for sharing, @Facto! Your Karma is adjusted :)

VIP thread for full link and MEGA saves:

Hey @Facto  - any chance to re-up? I am getting requests :D


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NL granny:

Thanks for sharing! This was shared earlier though ;)
Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


Quote from: lilitounet on December 22, 2022, 10:10:17 PM
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fresh find but the owner put a password on the FTP server quickly. 6.4Gb anyway :D

Thanks for sharing and for the save! Moved to the moderation queue and Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


Quote from: Anonymous on December 21, 2022, 02:18:37 PM
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German bbw, photos and videos also from security cam

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


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German Twonky

have fun :)

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


Quote from: exibvoy on December 22, 2022, 08:17:45 AM
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ftp:// *** /Duff family/iChats/PhoneRescue-Export-2017-10-23/Messages/img/

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


Quote from: Anonymous on September 27, 2022, 09:32:04 PM
Quote from: Anonymous on May 15, 2022, 09:01:23 AM
You require the following to view this post content:
  • You need to be a member of one of the following groups: Global Moderator, Volunteer Moderators.

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue, Karma adjusted :)
VIP thread for unrestricted saves:

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):


VIP thread for unrestricted saves:

K2S saves:
msg220509.part1.rar(317.6  MB)(
msg220509.part2.rar(80.1  MB)(
msg220509.part3.rar(317.6  MB)(
msg220509.part4.rar(317.6  MB)(
msg220509.part5.rar(317.6  MB)(
msg220509.part6.rar(317.6  MB)(
msg220509.part7.rar(317.6  MB)(
msg220509.part8.rar(317.6  MB)(
msg220509.part9.rar(84.3  MB)(
msg4168.part30.rar(317.6  MB)(
msg4168.part31.rar(317.6  MB)(
msg4168.part32.rar(317.6  MB)(
msg4168.part33.rar(317.6  MB)(
msg4168.part34.rar(68.4  MB)(

Archive password:STS-Pro Fr


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I hope this is not a repost

Thanks for sharing! Moved to the moderation queue :) Seems to be dead from the posting time though?
VIP thread for unrestricted saves: TBD after moderation

Temp sanitation thread (with the IP):

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