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OVF members contributions - Internet finds and personal works :)

Started by sts_pro, July 27, 2015, 09:03:05 AM

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This is my firts post in this forum, used to post in the AVF thread.

A few scatered bits and bobs, nothing spectacular but the girl is quite cute

Thanks for sharing! Your Karma is adjusted :)


Germasn nude, more to follow

Thanks for sharing! Your Karma is adjusted :)



A beauty



[link(s) moved to VIP]

Thanks for sharing! Your Karma is adjusted :)



[link moved to VIP zone]
Thanks for sharing! Karma is adjusted :)


It's the same Russian woman who was posted on the old forum and many other places.
There are tons of her pics.


Quote from: PIMP on August 24, 2015, 07:16:11 PM
It's the same Russian woman who was posted on the old forum and many other places.
There are tons of her pics.

Here's an archive with 4 videos and a selection of pics.
The full set is about 9Gb but most of the pics are not very interesting.



still not really clear to me the way to use https and how to find interesting pix



Quote from: mib001 on August 28, 2015, 02:25:26 PM
still not really clear to me the way to use https and how to find interesting pix

Go to the root of the server. Click on the content tab. Browse the file server that way, and you might find more pictures.


Quote from: sts_pro on August 15, 2015, 04:14:04 PM
Great find!!

The best nudes of her are in the Server/zdjecia/Sesja/ folders :)

original folder:


great posts you guys.
i dont know why but i find it harder to find new wins on filemare.

Dont know new words/files for searching :/


1st post!!

Our Honeymoon

Thanks for sharing! moved to VIP section, Karma adjusted



My first little contrib.

Thanks for sharing! moved to VIP section, Karma adjusted


nice girl
Thanks for sharing! moved to VIP section, Karma adjusted


older photo sessions

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more photo sessions

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Would anyone by chance have a link or a document to all of Plokki's rapdigator links?  Much appreciated. Thanks!


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