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OVF members contributions - Internet finds and personal works :)

Started by sts_pro, July 27, 2015, 09:03:05 AM

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Quote from: Lentil on September 15, 2015, 01:59:32 PM

Thanks for upload!  When I download I get an error when trying to extract.  What am I doing wrong?


Quote from: davey42 on September 16, 2015, 03:10:27 PM
Thanks for upload!  When I download I get an error when trying to extract.  What am I doing wrong?

Use Winrar and you should have no problem.  It seems to be a rar-5 archive, and both my standard Ubuntu archive manager and Windows 7-zip did not recognize it as a valid archive. 

And another thanks for the original poster of the archives. It is a lot of effort, finding the material, the huge amount of searching and the uploads.   Great job!


Quote from: davey42 on September 16, 2015, 03:10:27 PM
Thanks for upload!  When I download I get an error when trying to extract.  What am I doing wrong?
None of Lentil rars does not work.. :-\



The file was created with WinRAR 5 format - try the latest version of WinRAR



I use 7zip and had the same problem.. After installed the last version, all works fine with the mega archives

Tks Lentil for sharing. Great work with great quality


Some beach & thongs, nothing too special:

09.07.2005 Выезд на Днепр
23-24 июля 2005
День Строителя на Журавушке 09.08.2003/Censored

Thanks for sharing! moved to VIP section, Karma adjusted


Photography shooting with 3 models in bikini .. no topless/nude but have nice pics

Thanks for sharing! moved to VIP section, Karma adjusted


Homemade teen Brunette and Redhead sets (not new for me)

Thanks for sharing! moved to VIP section, Karma adjusted


Amateur russian sets pics & vids

Thanks for sharing! moved to VIP section, Karma adjusted


Quote from: Lentil on September 16, 2015, 08:26:38 PM
The file was created with WinRAR 5 format - try the latest version of WinRAR

Thank you!  Sorry for my ignorance!


A little peek here:
BEPhotos0514 IMG_3320.JPG
BEPhotos0514 IMG_3326.JPG
BEPhotos0514 IMG_3326.JPG

Thanks for sharing! moved to VIP section, Karma adjusted


So I am sorry if this is your work, I am not taking credit for it.  I just was looking for more of Plokkis work and stumbled upon this folder.  Please forgive me if this is someone's else work.  I am just trying to share.  Thanks.

Also I am still looking for more of Plokki's links.  If you have them please post or send them to me in an message. Thanks!

Not a problem. However, please post such finds in the corresponding thread, i.e. Open Dirs of Found on the Web section


[moved to VIP section]

Thanks for sharing! Your Karma is Adjusted :)


You might have stumbled onto the holy grail davey42...good, good work


Vezolahy from Madagascar


Just some bits and bobs

Thanks for sharing! moved to VIP section, Karma adjusted


Quote from: Lentil on September 15, 2015, 01:59:32 PM

You require the following to view this post content:
  • You need to be a member of one of the following groups: VIP Member, VIP (Sponsor) .

Link dead. Any chance of reup??



Please share only original content in this thread!
If you wish to share internet finds we a special section for this:


On folder with video.

sorry i'm french.

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Vezolahy from Madagascar

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